

randbergs OlycksPrevention, STOPSTOP octagon-shaped roadsign logo for domain stop .se

drivs av
Lennart Strandberg
Professor emeritus i färdsäkerhet

vid Linköpings universitet

…  med praktisk erfarenhet som tävlings- & testförare
och fullständig körkortsbehörighet (A BE CE DE)

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Av hänsyn till inblandade personer saknas där senare års sakkunnigutlåtanden i rättsprocesser om trafikolyckor.

3 Comments on “Om

Fri 18 Dec, 2015 at 18:34

Men gud vad mycket givande information!
För mig som är en osäker bilförare så är detta suveränt!

Tue 22 Dec, 2015 at 11:28

Tack Linda 🙂 Här på är det ännu väldigt magert med innehåll. Så du avser väl min mer välmatade sajt enligt vårt samtal häromdagen. God Jul! (både med och utan H)

Automobile Safety Foundation
Sat 15 Aug, 2015 at 19:53


The NHTSA states, “driver distraction is recognized as one of the most common causes of traffic crashes,” and, ”distracted driving is a deadly epidemic that has devastating consequences on our nation’s roadways,” said Secretary LaHood.

Most all DMV, driver licensing and education institutions, are not teaching drivers about road concentration, how they should be driving, but only what they should not be doing, and these warnings are usually a singular warning about texting while driving. ASF believes that this lack of proper driving training for licensing is remiss and a cause of driving endangerment that requires attention, and urgent remedial actions!

ASF seeks to modernize driver licensing and education by teaching the practice road concentration, and the avoidance of the driver distractions. Please see: .
ASF is offering copyright materials to address this see: and the newly released, ASF Gift Card, the “holy grail of diving safety.” This information is ideal for printing on the back of Driver Handbooks and licenses, as well as video showcasing. This information will help save lives nationally!

Thank you for your safety consideration, and ASF looks forward to your written response about this urgent safety matter.


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